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The hermaphrodite

Phylllie threw her arms around her husband neck, and as he pistoned in and out of the burning cunt, she pressed her huge chest to his and covered his mouth with a deep French kiss as her own hot bottom bounced up and down on Nicole's thick fuck pole!!! Even though this was pretty much and everyday thing between these three, Phyllis' hopping up and riding Nicole's hot pecker while her husband fucked the hot little bitch had put a special charge into everyone!!! During moments of extreme sexual tension it was sometimes hard for Nicole to distinguish between the two orgasms building like tsunamis in her groin, but today they were two very distinct waves that were rushing through her towards the beach of orgasmic pleasure!!!

Henry began grunting as the pace of his fucking grew more intense, while Phyllis sensing her husband was about to lose his seed, felt her cunt spasm and convulse as she her own climax swept through her, all of which combined to induce Nicole's pussy and cock to wrench simultaneously in a viciously brutal combination climax that left her panting like a dog and shaking like a leaf!!!
Henry collapsed to the floor, totally spent and drained, while the hot mouthed little cunt, Phyllis cleaned up Nicole's pussy and cock with her hot tongue!!! Henry finally struggled to his feet and pulled on his clothes as Nicole offered, "From now on I think your wife can handle the "dick" tation, don't you, boss!?!" He just chuckled and replied, "And she's can take it in French, too!!!"

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