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The hermaphrodite

Webster's desk, Nicole slowly lifted the hem of her skirt until it was way above her waist, exposing her panty clad crotch to the two hungry perverts drooling before her!!! "Oh, fuck," Phyllis gasped, "I just can't get enough of her, just look at her panties, she's got a boner and a half in there, christ alive, I'm already dripping wet!!!" Nicole, dear," Henry asked softly, "would it be all right if Mrs. Webster removed your panties, you seem to have very full erection hidden in there, and it would very sad to let such a fine hardon go to waste don't you think!?!" With a slight moan, Nicole nodded her head and waited for the cunt/cock crazy old bitch to pull off her panties and take her in her mouth!!!

Henry Webster looked on slack jawed as his wife knelt in front of Nicole while gently nursing on her seven inch erection, and fumbling with the zipper to his trousers as he struggled to extract his rapidly thickening pecker!!! "Suck her, Phyl," he muttered while jerking his hardon, "make her blow it into your mouth, suck that fucking dick off!!!" "Do you want to cum, dear," he asked Nicole softly while fisting his prick!?! "Yessssssss," she hissed through clenched teeth, "but my pussy needs it too!!!" "Don't worry about you pussy," he replied softly, "as soon as you fill her mouth, I'll give you this!!!" Nicole's legs wobbled momentarily as the first blast of cum rocketed into Phyllis Webster's mouth, causing the old bitch to involuntarily gag while her throat was flooded with stream after stream of hot burning semen!!! Nicole then fell backwards onto the desk with her legs splayed wide apart, giving Henry Webster wide open access to her now drenched pussy!!!

"Ohhhhhhhh," Nicole moaned as he entered her roughly, "t-that feels so good, oh yes, fuck my cunt, fill we with your cum, ohhhhhhhhhhhhh yessssss!!!" As the old man fucked her hot pussy,

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