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Caught by my Sister Chapter 4

"These have a little compartment right in the front panel made for someone just like you."

Moving closer to me her hands again moved under my skirt. She hooked her fingers inside the waistband of my panties and pulled them down my legs.

I stepped out of the panties and into the pink pair as she slide them up my legs nestling the strap of the thong between my ass cheeks.

Shannon crouched down in front of me and lifted up the front of my skirt while she explained how to insert my cock in the hidden panel in the front of the panties. She explained that the material was soft on the outside like regular panties, but strong enough on the inside that once my cock was positioned properly it would prevent me from getting hard.

She stood up in front of me and with one hand still on my crotch she moved in and kissed me. Our lips met and her tongue slid right into my mouth while her hand massaged my now smooth crotch. Her other hand moved up my body and grabbed me behind my neck pulling me into her embrace. I reached up under her short dress and took her ass in my hands.

We kissed like that for several minutes until she broke away.

"See, no more hard penis to get in the way."

I touched myself with my hand and realized that my cock had disappeared and it felt just like I was caressing a woman's panty covered crotch.

Looking over at Shannon I saw that she was lifting up the hem of her dress to reveal that she too was wearing a pair of the same panties in black.

"See, just like mine!"

With that she slid them down her legs revealing her own 8 inch cock. She let her dress fall back down, but the front of it bunched up around her hard cock preventing it from covering up her little secret.

"I see you are using inserts. Those may look very natural, but they just don't feel real. We have a wide selection of inserts you could choose from in various sizes but I would recommend something more realistic for you."

She reached back into the basket and pulled out a pair of silicon breasts.

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