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Caught by my Sister Chapter 4

She forcefully fucked my ass with the rubber cock while she spoke. I barely heard her through the combined feeling of pain and pleasure. As she continued to force the large cock into my ass I felt myself stretching out to allow room for the cock and the pain slowly receded.

After several minutes of me grunting through the hardest ass fucking of my life she slowly pulled the cock from me and gave me a chance to catch my breath.

Moments later I felt something warm pressing against my stretched out asshole and slowly push into me.

Shannon's hand reached around and caressed me where my cock used to be while she filled me up with her cock.

"OH GOD!!!"

"Your asshole is nice and tight. I knew you would be a good fuck."

She fucked me much more slowly and purposefully with her own cock than she did with the dildo. Every time she pushed fully inside of me she rocked her hips into my ass and worked her penis around in a small circle before slowly pulling back out of me.

I felt so fucking horny getting fucked by this woman with my cock completely hidden and constrained. I wanted to explode but I couldn't.

Slowly Shannon increased her pace into a steady rhythm. I matched each deep thrust with a moan. Faster and faster, harder and harder she pounded my ass. Her skin was slapping against my own until it stopped.

Her cock exploded inside of me shooting streams of hot sticky cum deep into my ass. She continued to grind into me as her penis throbbed. I felt her cum oozing out of me and dripping down my thigh while she stayed buried inside.

Eventually she pulled herself out and turned me around.

"Well that was nice. You've been such a good girl I want to give you something special too."

She pushed me back until My backside was pressed against the edge of the table. I watched in the mirrors as she knelt down in front of me and pulled my aching cock from my new sissy panties. I was thrilled to see her head disappear under my skirt while she sucked my cock, just like in the magazines.

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