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Jesse’s Dream Job

I the undersigned agree to be on call as needed up to 24/7 and willing to perform any and all functions and tasks as requested of me by Ms. Angel or other persons in the employ of TransArt for the duration of the next year. In compensation for these duties the undersigned will receive full medical insurance including a required physical each month, a 401K retirement plan that is vested after one year and the salary indicated at the bottom of this page. Bonuses will be paid on the percentage of profitability of the company each quarter. At no time is the undersigned allowed to disclose the nature of this offer.

“Are you offering me the job?”

“Not just yet. I’m offering you the opportunity to try out for the job. If you want to try out for the job then all you need to do is agree the you would be willing to sign a contract such as the one outlined before you. If at the end of the day I decide to hire you it will be typed up into a more presentable contract that we will both sign. Are you interested in trying out for the job?”

Jesse looked at the figure at the bottom of the page. That was more money than he could have made in five years at his old job. But the job ‘description’ was still pretty vague.

“Ms. Angel I’m very flattered that you are willing to let me try out for the job, but I’ve never been a personal assistant before and to be truthful I’m not sure I can do it.”

Ms. Angel lit up the room with another one of her smiles. She stood up and walked around to the front of her desk and partially sat on the edge. Her long legs protruded from under a snug skirt that matched her jacket. The skirt came to a stop a few inches above her knees and her feet were clad in a pair of red soled black pumps. Jesse couldn’t help but look at her incredible legs and feel a stirring in his undershorts. Ms. Angel’s blue eyes twinkled along with her smile as she said,

“Honesty. I appreciate that in an employee and I would want them to expect no less from me. Let me take a moment to lay out your typical job duties as well as other possible duties that may be asked of you.”

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