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First Time Out

If he doesn't arrive by say 11pm I guess I'll be going for another stroll..... Either way, I hope to post tomorrow's adventure here as soon as possible.

It's taken me ten times as long to relate this event as it actually took to happen but please believe me, it's 100% true. I wouldn't want to waste your time otherwise dear reader.

If you are a closet, wannabe sissy like I was, you may take inspiration from my experience. However I appreciate how risky and potentially dangerous my actions were. I could have been beaten up or dead in a ditch by now. But I took a leap and it worked for me. Oh God, how it worked. I feel so fulfilled and satisfied, yet still yearning for the next time. I can only urge you to follow your desires as safely as possible. We're only here once eh?

Hugs and Love



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