Waking to sunlight streaming through her bedroom window, between the parted curtains, Buffy Summers frowned, blinking. She'd had some strange dreams, including a few that had been prophetic, but nothing like the bizarre nightmare she'd awakened from just now. Last night, she'd fought a Feral Demon and the damned thing had bitten her! Of course, she'd slain it--eventually--but, by then, she'd already begun to feel sick and, concerned, she'd gone straight to bed. She was always troubled whenever a demon of any kind managed to bite or claw her, because no one could say with certainty what unexpected effects a demon's bite or scratch might have on its victim or, for that matter, when these effects might become manifest.
Once, she'd been bitten by a demon and, as a result, she'd almost be driven insane from her sudden ability to read the mind of everyone within earshot. Not only had she been made privy to the innermost secrets of friends, enemies, acquaintances, and strangers, becoming a psychic eavesdropper, but she'd also been unable to shit out the incessant din. It hadn't been a pleasant experience, not at all, but it had allowed her to stop Jonathan from committing suicide and to become a thorn in her side, later, when he joined forces with Andrew and Warren to form the Troika who were responsible for Tara's murder and Willow's attempt to destroy the world. So far, other than the strange dream she'd had (and a nasty-looking bite mark), nothing, fortunately, had resulted from the Feral demon's bite. Still, just the dream itself had been so wacky as to be frightening. It had also seemed utterly real. Buffy had dreamed that she had a penis and a pair of testicles inside a scrotum that dangled in front of the cleft of her own female sex. Absurd, of course--but disturbing, anyway.
Just to convince herself that everything was as it should be, she glanced quickly at the crotch of her panties--and her eyes widened in horror, her mouth gaping in shock, as she noticed that the smooth contour of her underwear was disturbed by the bulging outlines of what were obviously male genitals! The dream had come true: Buffy Summers had a cock and balls!