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Angel Chapter 1

Meanwhile, Angel spent as much time around him as possible, smiled, and otherwise put on a cheery appearance, and continued with her ongoing feminization. That meant always looking her prettiest, and dressing in ways that would accentuate her femaleness, such as short skirts and dresses and sheer blouses.

It also meant that the lust that George Parker felt for her increased steadily. Angel was almost always around him, and she seemed to get sexier and more beautiful every day. That was not just his imagination. As she had hoped and expected, her breasts were still growing and, six months after she started to work at the bank, the padding was no longer needed in her bra so she removed it. The other parts of her body that differentiated her from the boy she used to be were still filling out too, which meant her skirts and dresses were slowly getting tighter. Angel was aware of this, and knew she would have to replace them, and had started to do so, but she wanted to get as much wear as she could out of the older garments.

After almost eight months of constantly looking at his beautiful new assistant, George developed an obsession for her. He didn't know if Angel was flirting with him or not. Her actions didn't seem subtle enough to be flirting, but she was the friendliest young woman he had ever known. Even though he loved his wife, he wanted to fuck the sexy T-girl. He finally admitted that fact to himself, although he would never dare admit it to anybody else. The question of how and when occurred to him, and he didn't have the answers, but he did buy condoms and a plastic bottle of Aqualube so he would be ready if he ever did get the chance to fuck her. They were kept securely locked in the private drawer of his desk, buried under some personal papers.

Besides being prepared in that regard, he wanted to learn everything he could about T-girls, concentrating on their sexual habits and desires. From an online site dedicated to their sexuality, he learned what they were supposed to like, both doing to men and having done to them.

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