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An Odd Encounter

Once more she led me by the hand, this time to her bedroom. She had me stand with my eyes closed by her dresser as she applied makeup to my face and put a wig on my head. Then she began to look through the drawers in her night stand, rummaging until she located what she was looking for. She asked me to turn around. I was nervous, unsure of what she was intending to do, suspecting more of the previous treatment or worse.

Instead I realized she was attaching fake breasts to my chest and putting a bra on me. She whispered to me that I should feel them, and placed my hands on my new breasts. I spent a moment exploring them, they were soft and heavy. She told me that with my erection I wouldn't be able to wear a thong, that instead I would just have to wear crotchless panties instead. I put them on, and then she had me lay on the bed to add stockings. As I lay back I felt a wave of unexpected pleasure. I moaned and a small flood of precum came from my cock.

She smiled and told me I was a slut, and that she knew I would enjoy the plug. I wriggled a little and discovered that the pleasure was the plug pushing against my prostate. It was an extraordinary feeling. She gathered up the precum on my stomach with her fingertips, rubbed it onto her lips then looked me in the eyes and kissed me. At first I was surprised, but there wasn't much taste to it and I was enjoying the slow gentle kiss. She smiled, called me a cum slut and then told me it was time to unveil me.

I was pulled over to her mirror, eyes closed again. She stood behind me, arm wrapped around me, and told me to open my eyes. I saw a beautiful young girl staring back at me. It took me a moment to reconcile that I was looking at myself. My cock grew even harder as the thought crossed my mind that I wanted to fuck myself. Even worse, with the taste of my precum still on my lips and as her hands stroked my ass I realized that I would let myself be taken.

"Are you ready to be fucked?" She asked as she stared into my eyes in the mirror. I had no other answer, I was her slut, ready to do anything. I told her yes.

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