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Alessia Travestita’s Adventures – Game, Set and Match

There had always been a charged atmosphere of sexual tension between them going back years but Carla had always been very professional as her coach and had resisted taking things any further. God, how she had struggled with that as Alessia had blossomed from a teenager. Carla was always fully aware of Alessia’s ‘special’ sexual status, how could she not be working together so closely, and it had only ever served to increase her curiosity and desire for Alessia.
‘Oh I’d love to Carla, when can we play? I’ve nothing planned’ asked Alessia, almost imperceptibly pushing her thigh against harder against Carla’s naked, toned leg. Carla’s hand moved slightly further up Alessia thigh and slightly down towards the soft skin of the mid inner thigh. It was not too obvious, but to the two of them it was clear the game was finally afoot.
‘Well, obviously I’m free all week while I’m here so how about tomorrow? I think two games in one day is a bit much in this heat’ said Carla, ‘We could meet at the club at, say, noon?’
‘That works for me’ said Alessia, ‘really looking forward to it.’ They both stood and walked out of the shop together and both could not help but check each other out. Alessia was amazed just how fantastic Carla’s figure had remained, the ultimate MILF fantasy really; blonde, slim and pert breasted with a slim, firm bum. Carla likewise assessed Alessia out of the corner of her eye and could not believe how toned and athletic she was, with that same animal sexuality she had always displayed.
‘So, until tomorrow then.’ Carla winked, felt in her handbag for her keys and unlocked the door of a stunning metallic green Bentley convertible parked at the kerbside. Alessia watched her move off and was already hatching plans for tomorrow in her mischievous mind.
Chapter 2 – Alessia and Carla’s Doubles Match
The next day dawned bright and clear and Alessia woke early, jumped out of bed, dressed quickly and went for a quick run as usual. Returning to her apartment, she made a strong coffee and grabbed an apple for breakfast before opening her laptop to catch up on the news, emails etc.

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