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A Wife Comes Around

I felt the fingers come out and Laurie slid her hands up to my vacated pussy. With her delicate touch she spread apart my pussy, opening it up for her pleasure and mine. The kisses that were on my inner thighs were now on my pussy, pecking gingerly at the opening and then with her mouth over it, she slipped in her tongue, fucking my pussy. She would also lick it up and down, like she was having an ice cream cone. She competed with the vibrator to suck and nibble on my clit, which she told me protruded very nicely. All of this was the most stimulated I have ever been and wasn't going to last anymore. I finally realized what they meant by the big 'O' as my body started to tremble from deep inside. I reached down and put my hands on the back of her head, nudging her into my pussy. She took the Kitty away and again sucked on my clit. With the Kitty still humming, she placed it against the crevice of my wanting pussy, slowly inserting it just enough, while continuing to suck my clit. When my body started to shake, she took it out and rubbed it against my clit. Her open mouth returned to my pussy, licking and sucking all of the womanly secretions flowing out of me while I had the climax of my life. She used my panty to wipe my pussy of all the excess wetness.

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