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My first made me a femboy (2/3)
I'm sure it was something that was going to turn me on before it started but the first man I was ever with had his own desires for me. I had no idea all the places it would go but I loved all of it. My best friend moved into an apartment building in a quieter side of the city we grew up in. She h... Read full Story
My first made me a femboy (3/3)
I could tell he was turned on and after turning my attention back to myself I knew I liked how I felt too. I adjusted the panties around my hips and ass until they laid flat and smooth against my body, they fit me perfectly. I asked him if liked they way the looked, but I knew without him saying ... Read full Story
From boy to crossdresser episode 2
940 / 5.000 I had already learned to masturbate, I used to cum several times a day and it continued until I got older. I was still going to school and I was more lustful than before. I remember when we used to go to my aunt's house, my brother and I would sleep next to the cousin, when every... Read full Story