Free Stories

Hidden Surprise
After staring at Angela's crotch for what seemed to be forever, the shocked young woman asked, "I-is that what I think it is???" "I guess it depends on what you think it is," Angela replied softly. "But how, why???" Midori asked. " I mean you have a cock for christ... Read full Story
Charisma Part 2
After fondling her breasts and her cock and balls for several more minutes while she probed Tiffany's mouth with her tongue, Charisma allowed her guest to get undressed while she removed her own clothes. The seamstress was a beautiful woman, for a genetic female, but, of course, she was nowhere n... Read full Story
The club
"Okay ladies," Missy said to her guests, "relax and get ready because I have a very special treat for today's meeting!" "What is it?" and excited Jayne asked while removing her sweat shirt and jeans. "Now you know better than to than that" Missy replied with a... Read full Story
Masturbation Quiz
Basics: Are you male or female? male Age? 35 At what age did you start masturbating? I think around 11 years old How many times a week do you masturbate? nearly every day How many times do you orgasm each time you play with yourself? one Where do you masturbate: In bed? rarely In the showe... Read full Story
Growing up wrong
Hello my name is Krystal, but everyone calls me Krissy. I'm 25 & live in the Detroit area. I work at a local hospital as a Physicians assist & I love it! I'm pretty much a doctor but limited at meds I can proscribe & I don't have to have malpractice insurance. Last night was my third ... Read full Story
Most stunning woman
My first experience with a shemale came about after a gay guy I knew introduced me to a friend of his who was this gorgeous creature. She had long black hair, perfect breasts a great ass and legs to die for. The fact she was wearing a figure hugging black dress and black pantyhose just got me as hor... Read full Story
Late Nite Hype
The past three months was spent by me trying to find a job. I looked & search every where to no avail. So, I went thru this temp service, Ameri-Temps for the time being. They gave me a study job. I worked the job for two weeks now it was cool cause i had got money in my pocket. After working so ... Read full Story
Caught Watching Free Mobile Shemales
I was watching Free Mobile Shemales on my phone browser during my lunch break when the phone rang. Annoyed by the fact that someone is interrupting my free time, I answered angrily "Yes, who is it?". "Wrong number", said a female voice, "Sorry to interrupt you lunch!", ... Read full Story
Domination Island Part 2
The warm night air was lightened by a gentle breeze drifting in from the ocean. The sky was clear and a multitude of stars pinpricked the blackness. The town was crowded that evening, bustling with shemales enjoying themselves shopping, dining or relaxing. The noise of music drifting through o... Read full Story
The First
When he finished with the make-up and donned the breast-length brunette wig with the bangs-- that was it. He felt the skirt against his cock and his lap. He liked the way his thighs looked with the eight inches of red and green plaid covering his "secret." He picked a tight black Slayer sh... Read full Story
Poker night
One night,my ex wife decided to play poker for fun,bout 30 min of playing,we made more interesting,that on the next hand,the loser had to do what ever the winner wants.I lost on purpose,so then she said to take a shower,and shave off all bodyhair,legs,chest,arms,underarms,face.then meet back in the ... Read full Story
My struggle
I always used to swear to myself all the time that I was straight as can be. Even when I jacked off to BJ scenes when I watched porn as a kid. And even when I started enjoying shemale videos. But since I admitted to myself that I could be bisexual and that I love dick as much as I love pussy, I'... Read full Story
Playing it straight
I had exchanged emails and photos with Jennifer. She quickly answered the door and I noticed her plus size shape peeking through a sexy black teddy as she guided me in the room. As I stepped in the suite I saw the focus of my attention, Alexia. She was sitting on the hotel couch I was floored by her... Read full Story
Jennifer & Alexia
I had exchanged emails and photos with Jennifer. She quickly answered the door and I noticed her plus size shape peeking through a sexy black teddy as she guided me in the room. As I stepped in the suite I saw the focus of my attention, Alexia. She was sitting on the hotel couch I was floored by her... Read full Story
Sexy CD Hubby
When we were first married I found that my husband had a penchant for women's clothing. I also discovered that I found his little fetish pretty hot myself. I not only encouraged his dressing but also helped him with it. I took him shopping for lingerie, skirts, shoes, boots, camisoles,wigs etc... Wi... Read full Story
Four years ago as a 14 year old the girl trapped inside my body was screaming to be released from her prison. I had showed up at school on the first day of my freshman year wearing a dress from my sister's closet. I've never worn boys clothing since. Carrie became my new persona replacing Todd. P... Read full Story
Guard Duty
Susan Denton was apprehensive as she approached the airport security station. She didn't like having to set her purse on the black conveyor belt that transported it - and the personal effects it contained - through the X-ray machine that rendered ghost images of her personal effects. On one occasion... Read full Story
Friday, March 11
I am wet. We are in a cab. The taste of Marlboro and whisky on his breath as we kiss, his hand runs under my t-shirt, fumbling for the release of my bindings. My hand is on his cock, over his tight jeans... he is hard, hot under my fumbling fingers. I rub him through the coarse fabric, as his ... Read full Story
Domination Island Part 4
`More brew, Sweetie?' he heard Janine ask. `Fill me up,' the voice of Serena said above him. Then he heard her snort and chuckle, then she added: `An' den I'll fill him up.' The sound of female laughter went on for a long time. This was sheer Hell. He'd come to Hell and that's where he was be... Read full Story
Who got lucky last night Part 1
He awoke at 2am, throat dry and scratchy and with a hangover the size of Jupiter. He removed the comforter and saw that he was naked, he usually never goes to sleep naked unless he had gotten some tail. He didn't discriminate against who he go his tail from. Man, woman, old or young, teenage boy or ... Read full Story
The morning I couldn’t control myself &helli
As I’ve mentioned previously in my little memoire, my Mother was very enlightened about me dressing but we had rules. One small problem is that Mother couldn’t get her very sexy arse out of her bed in the morning, one of the reasons that she worked for herself. So every morning, when I w... Read full Story
Tinder oral sex IMPROVED
I updated this to read a lot better. I haven't had any negative votes since I rewrote the short story. Please read and message me something dirty - I am the man in this story, but I wouldn't mind being the "boy-girl"... I matched with a "woman" on tinder, and when I ... Read full Story
Forbidden Thoughts
My penis is pocket size when soft approximately 3”. On occasion it’s an inch shorter. I very much enjoy my cock when it is soft. Im 5-5.5 inches hard, which is considered average. In my mind Im small when hard but that’s how I want it. If I had the chance I would use a penis pump to lenghten my... Read full Story
A Sexual Fantasy
My back is against the wall, one of your hands keeping me there, the other hand fingering my pussy hard and fast. You are kissing me passionately, while I stroke your hard cock with my hand, the other hand resting against the back of your neck. You pick me up and throw me onto the bed, climbing abov... Read full Story
My Kinky She Male Porn Pictures
I never thought that I would enjoy making shemale porn pictures,but here I am and I must say it's been a crazy ride.I met Mike one night in a bar, and that's how my journey started.Mike was a very sexy and he was a real charmer. When he approached me he didn't know my secret,and I didn't want to ... Read full Story
Waking up beside my new Daddy
I wake up some hours later, he is still deep asleep. He's lying on his back, me cuddling close into him: he feels so warm and safe, that i am actually very relaxed. And thinking about my position...I am ok, more than that even: today i'm gonna get shaved i think, and that really turns me on. But on ... Read full Story
Fetish Club With Shemales
The smell of rubber and latex and the combination of the strobe lighting was overpowering, the techno sound of the club just added to the already intoxicated atmosphere of the place. The club was a frenzy of half naked, latexed, rubberised bodies covered in sweat dancing to the frenzied sound of tec... Read full Story
Fetish party with a twist
The smell of rubber and latex and the combination of the strobe lighting was overpowering, the techno sound of the club just added to the already intoxicated atmosphere of the place. The club was a frenzy of half naked, latexed, rubberised bodies covered in sweat dancing to the frenzied sound of tec... Read full Story
Training Sissygirl Part 3
Sissygirl stood, shaking a little as the tall and well-built males crowded about her soft and vulnerable body, the scent of their glistening cocks making the poor t-girl delirious; she knew she had no choice but to strip. The men stroked their cocks as the pretty sissy meekly began to remove her clo... Read full Story
Sissy For My Flatmate
My heart was racing as I gazed up at my flatmate, there was an something of an evil gleam in his eyes as he looked down at me and my mind kept jumping back to the events that lead to this moment. I'm a closet crossdresser, yet now my flatmate (whom I managed to hide my “hobby” from fo... Read full Story
Crossdressing Fun
Hello everyone, I am a 21 yo white male who loves to crossdress. One day I decided to wear my mothers clothes. She wear some young sexy clothing. So I started off by getting a shower and shaving my whole body. When I was done I went into my moms room. I went straight to her panty and bra drawer. I g... Read full Story
The Developing of Emma Part 3
She awoke to the sickly smell of a woman’s perfume; the silky stockings were still there, but Emma was now naked apart from a chiffon negligee, her hands bound behind her back. The voice of the woman broke the silence. “Hello again ‘Emma’; that’s a very pretty name y... Read full Story
I am a Shemales' Bottom Slut
I don't want the title to deceive you I am a masculine man and straight mostly but I do love servicing cocks of androgynous women and there is a group of androgynous women in the vicinity of where I live and they call on me regular. It all started when I had my name and number on a singles p... Read full Story
Fortunate accident part 4
I reëntered the room clad in a g-strip and bra; I wore eye make up and lipstick with a long blue wig that covered my left eye with one of the bangs. I popped my hip and tried to lean seductively on the doorway --something I, admittedly, had not had a whole lot f practice with. She looked out at me a... Read full Story
Helping a Friend Part 2
I had seen Anna at work for the past two weeks…not a word of what happened at her house, when I fixed her sink. What a great night that was……………the night I found out she was a shemale! I fantasized about Anna all the time, yet nothing from her. It was our s... Read full Story
Transvestite in trouble - the internet porn quee
Bright light filled the room, waking me from my unconciousness. so bright it took a while for my eyes to focus. When they did the first site i saw was myself, in the wall sized mirror opposite me, strapped to the chair. It was me only now i had masses of long blode hair, tied up in 2 pigtails, lo... Read full Story
My Ebony Prince
I love dressing for my man, Terry. When he grips my legs through the stockings I wear I feel dirty, slutty, and oh so loved. The way he lifts my frilly negligee and peppers my stomach and thighs with wet, meaty kisses always makes me leak through my panties. He licks my moist clitty through the fabr... Read full Story
A Hot Time with Sheila
He was sitting there sipping on his third rum and coke of the evening when he saw her. She was about 5'5'' tall, with long blonde hair and green eyes. She was staring at him and he realized that she had been for sometime now. She got up and started to sashay towards him. He allowed himself to tak... Read full Story
Caught y my roomate
Long time ago I helping a friend out,by leting him move in my house,which I owne.we had sex before,but that was before he new about my lifestyle.well he took off one weeknd,leaving me to have the house fore I decided to get all dressed up,and hook up a guy that night.I was sitting at the e... Read full Story
My first 3some
At the time I was 21,I was able to get into the clubs,it was saturdaynight which was drag night,and I got all dressed up,wearing a red miniskirt,black top,with a black lace bra,matching garterbelt lace stocking,and panties,and a pair of black6inch high heels.I met this guy name john,who wanted to kn... Read full Story
Doctor Appointment
"Mr. Johnson, the doctor is ready to see you now." I stood up hesitantly and walked to the office I was assigned to. Seeing a new doctor was always a pain for me. I hated having to be exposed by someone I didn't even know. I guess it just wasn't my thing. Until I walked into that off... Read full Story
My Affair With Jenny
I met Jenny online after I liked a sexy photo of her while beating off one day and left a comment. Shortly after she sent me a friend request and we begin exchanging hot emails. She was coming to my area and wanted to meet. I was really nervous I had been with my sexy TG girlfriend for 20 years and ... Read full Story
I slipped into my gf suspenders skirt and heels. I opened the door and led this man in his mid 40s to my room. Ive never done anything with a guy before, but as I was walking shaking m girly ass I couldnt help but feel that this is right. Once in my room I dropped to me knees and started to stroke. ... Read full Story
sex-agenarian's onanic lust
An onanic lust of a sex-agenarian that I am; I'M IN BIG HEAT; it's the season of bodily reunions in nature... I'm like an elephant(e) waiting to be satisfied. My cloaca is starting to titillate at the mere sight (look hah!) of a guy's swollen crotch on the street... I activated all my sensors to sa... Read full Story
For my Tgal Mistress
If one night You don't feel sleepy, that's the kind of thing i could do to help You with that: You'd be laying on Your bed, in pyjamas, ready for bed, but not sleep. i would take Your pants off. First i'd put Your still soft cock in my mouth, feeling it grow bigger on my tongue and sucking it deep... Read full Story
A Christmas Tail Part 2
As I stepped off the elevator, following Angel into the room full of my ex-employee friends, I felt dazed, confused and incredibly embarrassed. They were all laughing hysterically at my maid's outfit. There were whistles and catcalls. I could hear various comments such as, "Well we can see t... Read full Story
Taping a Train
Ever since I took the leap and became and transformed my body into the one I was supposed to have I have never been happier. I love my soft skin, long dark hair. When ever I can I will look in my mirrors at home while naked and rub my hands up and down my body, feeling my big D cup breasts then runn... Read full Story
Body Image
"Sit down Mona. We have to talk." He had heard those two tiny sentences more than a few times in the last several weeks. Every time he did he felt a strange queasiness in the pit of his stomach. Yet no matter how hard he tried, he could not refuse. He walked over to the couch across fro... Read full Story
A Whole New Me
"Honey! Are you around?" I shouted from my room, rummaging through my drawers and naked from the shower. "What's up, sweetie?" My girlfriend, Lisa, popped her head around the bedroom door. Her eyes taking in my body and a cheeky smile forming on her pretty face "Oh, looki... Read full Story
Fixing The Car
I had been cross dressing since I was about 10 years old, I'm now in my thirties and this story is about my first encounter with another man. It all started one day when my wife would be out for the day and I had settled down to surf the net looking for transgender sites, I was only dressed in a bla... Read full Story
The first sex! A dream for a little sissy slut!
We decided to meet at your place, I enter quickly and immediately go into the bathroom to get ready for our spicy evening. I'm already shaved and wearing stockings, leopard print panties matching bra. In the rush I'm doing makeup, I get dressed in little black dress, barely covering my bum! I put a ... Read full Story