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Russ Manning was pleased with his work in progress, a triptych, or three-paneled painting, Work In Progress: Transsexual Transformation

Depicting Sheila's sexual conversion, the first panel showed Sheila as a man; the middle panel showed Sheila as a transsexual. Once she had completed her sex-reassignment surgery, the panel on the right would show her as a woman-or, rather, as a transwoman. At the moment, Sheila was as much a work in progress as his triptych, but his painting, once completed, would be an eternal record and testament to her transformation, always and forever a Work In Progress.

Or, at least, so he'd thought-until Sheila had given him the bad news, the terrible news, that she'd decided not to undergo the sex-change surgery that would complete her transformation from man to woman. She had decided to retain her male genitals, to be always and forever a pre-operative transsexual, a shemale. In effect, her decision would ruin his masterpiece. The triptych would remain unfinished. The crowning achievement of his career as an artist would be destroyed.

At first, he'd tried to persuade her to go through with the operation.

"Why would you come so far, only to deny yourself the culmination of all that you have so long craved?" he'd asked her.

Sheila had averted her eyes from his gaze. "I can't explain it," she'd said.

In his desperation, he'd been cruel. "Maybe you never wanted to be a woman, after all."

"You care more about your damned painting than you do about me," she charged, tears, warm and stinging, welling in her sapphire eyes.

He'd known that desire had had nothing to do with Sheila's need to become outwardly what she'd been inwardly all her life. It was need, a compulsion, that drove her to become what she was intended, by God or nature or both, to be.

Sheila had no reply for Russ' spiteful comment. She herself did not understand completely why she'd chosen, at the endpoint of her transformation, to retain her cock and balls. All her life, she'd wanted nothing more than to be rid of them forever. In the end, however, she'd found herself unable to part with them. Many times, she'd tried, in her own mind, to account for her ambiguous feelings about her male genitals. The best she'd been able to do was to say, "Being a shemale is the best of both worlds."

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