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How I Learned To Love Drag Part 5

"How is it you get the glamorous drag role?" asked May.

"Well, Ted Walters said he hired me based on my performance at the Montreal Comedy Festival. There I was doing some impressions. Vocal impressions. A little Jim Carrey, Tom Hanks as Forrest Gump, Austin Powers, and some musical impressions like Bruce Springsteen, Britney Spears, Shakira, and, since I was in Quebec, Celine Dion."

"So that's why you're doing Britney Spears."

"Yeah. But I never got into drag before. In a one man comedy routine, you don't have time to switch costumes - never mind the makeup. At most, you can slip on a wig or a hat quickly to change characters . . . How about it? Can you and Daniel transform me into Britney?"

"Yes, certainly. The clothing shouldn't be a big problem. The makeup - you'll have to ask Daniel. I know he's the best damn makeup artist in the business. He'll get it to work. But how well can you do Britney Spears' voice?"

"It's not my best impersonation. But it's not bad."

"Which song will you do?" asked May. "I need to know so I can get the right costume together."

"I think we'll be doing Baby One More Time."

"Let's see. If I recall correctly, you'll need a gray sweater, a dark skirt, a white blouse that will be tied together to show some bare midriff, a dark red bra, knee sox, and tennis shoes. The hairdo should be pretty simple - blonde pigtails, pink ribbons and those puffy feathery light pink what-you-ma'call-its."

"Yes. You've got a pretty good recollection of the video. I'm impressed."

"Wardrobe's my vocation. I pay attention to costumes."

While the discussion with May went well, the script writing session didn't go quite as smoothly.

Back in the spacious meeting room, Ted Walters handed out copies of Baby One More Time. The lyrics had been downloaded from the internet. Also, he gave us a copy of a script from the TV series Alias.

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