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A Strange Romance

Although I was over qualified after I graduated and accepted a one as an Internet operations officer for one of the high street retailers. I was offered better jobs but I took the one with the retailers because it paid reasonably well and more importantly meant that I would have to relocate down to the East Midlands. Ever since my parents decided when I was 14 to move back to their home town of Newcastle from Bedfordshire I had wanted to go back there, and the job was an opportunity to do just that and one I was not going to turn down.

I have often wondered if the move up north at a vulnerable age triggered my crossdressing or if the latent desire was there all along? Anyway I was like a duck out of water in Newcastle my accent did not fit, I did not understand football or any of their cultural references which left me feeling isolated and lonely. One day during the school holidays when I was bored I found my self dressing in my sisters old school uniform and it really turned me on. The discovery that I got a sexually buzz from looking like a girl just compounded the isolation I already felt and that sense of being different stayed with me even through university. Although there were cross dressers and the like at the university I was to ashamed to admit my linking and having lost access to my sisters things when I left home there was no longer the opportunity to dress up. I guess a part of me thought I that had left my crossdressing behind as the hedonistic environment of the college forced me to become a little more outward going but I was never going to be the most gregarious of people.

Moving back to Bedfordshire felt to me like I was able to wipe out the six unhappy years I spent in Newcastle and I even starting to build something approaching a social life through work when the company I worked for merged with another retailers. After a merger the company restructured and centralised their IT operations to Glasgow and for a few weeks it looked like I would have to move again, which to my mind was not an option! Thankfully as all my job required was a fast internet connection and a phone line my new boss gave me the option of either moving, which would cost me a bomb in penalties on my flats mortgage, or working from home.

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