Gratis Geschichten

Mike der Pfleger
Mike der Pfleger Vorwort: Es handelt sich hierbei um meine allererste 'Sexgeschichte' die ich schreibe. Meine Schreibkunst befindet sich gelinde gesagt auf Amateurniveau. Die Geschichte ist frei erfunden und entspringt rein aus meinem perversen Gedankengut. Ganz nach dem Motto: 'Geschmäcker si... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Die alte Sissy Sau und ihre Abenteuer
Ich warte darauf in den ARSCH GEFICKT ZU WERDEN Er hatte schon oft davon geträumt. Jetzt lag er da, seine Augen waren mit einer Ledermaske verbunden, seine Hände mit ledernen Riemen auf den Rücken gebunden. Er hört wie die Kerle die Türen verschließen. Seine Angst wird größer, das Blut pulsiert ... Lese die ganze Geschichte
My Awkward Phase
My Awkward Phase ©Alexandra Rios 2019 The greatest lie is that what happens in high school doesn't matter, because life begins in college. I pretended to agree, although I never believed it, for I was the world's greatest liar. Wannabees I was hanging out with my friends Quinn, Barb and Anne ... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Mein erstes Mal
Ich bin 22 / 185 / 75kg und möchte im vorne rein sagen, dass die Geschichte der Wahrheit entspricht. Viel Spaß und achtet bitte nicht so auf die Rechtschreibung. Ich war schon immer neugierig wie es ist von einem Mann/Transe gefickt zu werden. Bis zu meinem 19ten Lebensjahr hatte ich nur Sex mit ... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Different 3some in Acapulco
My job in a large travel agency takes me every march to Acapulco for the Tianguis Turistico, (Mexico tourist fair) that takes place in this nice resort. I very much enjoy those trips, and especially the pole dancing bars, were I would hang out at least 2 or 3 times during my stay. Those places ar... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Gib's mir los ich brauche es
Mit einem Finger fing es harmlos an dann wurden zwei dann wurden drei immer dicker immer fester immer tiefer und auf einmal konnte ich nicht mehr anders war ich eine gierige fickschlampe mit dauerhaft klaffender Hose hätte die ist liebte dicke Dinger reingerammt zu bekommen und mit der Zeit wurde ic... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Erstens „Kommt Mann“ anders und schneller als „Mann“ denkt!
Kapitel 1 Da saß ich nun an der Hotelbar, 600 km von zu Hause entfernt und trank zum Abschluss von drei endlosen Seminartagen noch einen kleinen Absacker, bevor ich dann morgen den Heimweg antreten würde. Neben mir erschien eine Junge Dame, geschäftlich, stilvoll in weißer Bluse und – nicht ganz kn... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Gangbang im Pornokino - Ein wahrer Erlebnisbericht
Auf Travesta und der Internetseite eines Pornokinos in das ich ofter gehe, gibt es eien Kontaktbereich. Dort postete ich den Termin und die Uhrzeit meines nächsten Besuches. Dazu schrieb ich das ich mal wieder Lust auf einen geilen Gangbang hätte.... Ich kam mal wieder 15 Minuten zu spät in das P... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Meine erste Erfahrung Teil 2
Ich knüpfe hier direkt an meine andere Erfahrung an, da ich glaube ich kann vielen die Angst nehmen ihren ersten Schritt zu wagen ;) Ich war zu diesem Zeitpunkt 16 und habe einen Tag vorher meinen ersten richtigen Schwanz im Mund gehabt. Diese Erfahrung die mir ein Bekannter meiner Cousine besche... Lese die ganze Geschichte
The Ultimate Slut Part 1
Vorbemerkung: Diese Geschichte ist mein Eigentum. Vervielfältigung, Veröffentlichung auf anderen Seiten und außerhalb des Internets ist untersagt. Alle handelnden Personen sind über 18. Da es sich hier um eine Phantasie handelt, wird an keiner Stelle „Safer Sex“ praktiziert. Viel Spaß! „Hey ... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Sarah die Nutzstute I.
Sarah hat sich wieder angekündigt , nachdem man jetzt weiß wie weit man mit dieser heißen Stute gehen kann, packe ich ein paar Sachen in meine Tasche und mach mich auf den Weg ins genannte Hotel ! Locker in Jeans, Polo , Pulli und Sneakern klopfe ich an, höre wie die Stute an die Türe stöckelt, bi... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Marathon im Cruisingworld Kirchberg
Ich wurde um 11 Uhr bei mir zuhause von meiner Begleitung abgeholt, gemeinsam fuhren wir ins Cruisingworld nach Kirchberg. Angekommen, wurden wir sogleich nett begrüsst, danach ging es in die Garderobe und gleich ins Spiegelzimmer. Wir starteten den Tag zärtlich mit Küssen und Streicheln. Ich wurd... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Sarah fucking in vienna
Sarah in Wien , sie nennt mir ein mir bekanntes Hotel in der Innenstadt, sowie eine feste Uhrzeit! Überpünktlich bin ich Vorort , komplett glatt , unter der Anzugshose einen schwarzen engen Nylon Slip , sneaker weißes Kurzarm Hemd, guter Duft , klopfe ich etwas nervös an der Zimmertür! Von innen k... Lese die ganze Geschichte
2 Faker, Eierlose, Blockierlistenuser und ein paar richtig geile
Freitags sind Fimia und ich an die Bi-Night im CW Volketswil gefahren. Als wir eintrafen, waren schon viele Freund:innen auf der Terrasse anwesend. Wir fläzten uns zu ihnen auf die Liegen und schon bald wurden allerlei Zärtlichkeiten ausgetauscht. Da wurde gefummelt, hier wurde geblasen und sogar da... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Feriengruss 20.07.24
Erneut ging es Outdoor, dieses Mal aber an die Thur zum FKK Baden. Nicht am bekannten Platz in Bischofszell, sondern an meinen geheimen Platz, zwischen Kradolf und Bischofszell, unterhalb von Halden. Ich habe erneut mit 5 verschiedenen Herren abgemacht, die mir in gut geplantem, zeitlichem Abstand... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Aspen Brooks und der Morgenstern
Vorbemerkung: Ausgenommen aller Rechte an den Figuren des Luzifers-Universums ist diese Geschichte ist mein Eigentum. Vervielfältigung, Veröffentlichung auf anderen Seiten und außerhalb des Internets ist untersagt. Alle handelnden Personen sind über 18. Da es sich hier um eine Phantasie handelt, wi... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Feriengruss 18.07.24
Um ähnliches, wie im folgenden Bericht, mit mir zu erleben, ist es notwendig, dass man sich sehr gut kennt. Alle Handlungen sind miteinander abgesprochen und es ist beidseitig ein tiefes Vertrauen vorhanden. Nicht nur, dass mir nichts passiert, auch dass ich meine Grenzen während des Spiels klar kom... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Flying High
The plane landed as scheduled. Luckily it had been a very smooth flight. I made my way through the busy airport. While I was waiting for my luggage my eyes went everywhere looking for beautiful girls. I saw my luggage come around and went for it. At the same time a voluptuous brunette reached for th... Lese die ganze Geschichte
A Turkish Delight
My export business was beginning to take off as I was now on my second over sea's trip. I was doing business with the Turkish government and I also saw it as an opportunity to explore more my fascination of cross-dressing. I would be visiting a country where I was not know and I would blend in with ... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Bi-Night 18.09.24
Wieder war die Bi-Night im Cruisingworld Volketswil angesagt. Da Fimia und Andrea in Mykonos im Urlaub sind, habe ich mich allein auf den Weg gemacht und bin so gegen 16 Uhr eingetroffen. Eine nette Begrüssung am Clubeingang und schon ging es in die Garderobe. In der Garderobe sprach mich auch glei... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers Part 3
Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers takes place in the Magatrix the Magnificent Universe, which was first introduced in my serialized seven-part story, Magician's Assistant. The premise upon which both that story and this story are based revolves around the fact that Magatrix the Magnificent... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers Part 7
Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers takes place in the Magatrix the Magnificent Universe, which was first introduced in my serialized seven-part story, Magician's Assistant. The premise upon which both that story and this story are based revolves around the fact that Magatrix the Magnificent... Lese die ganze Geschichte
My bitch
Her fingers touched mine as she removed my empty, soup bowl. Her skin was soft, warm to the touch, almost hot. I looked up, but she had already turned and was heading to the kitchen. That was the second time she had touched me. After appetizers, she had reached around my shoulder to slide away ... Lese die ganze Geschichte
A Job in the Theatre Chapter 16
"Ted has invited me to his poker game" Paula let slip. "Oh really? Now that sounds interesting" Sarah said. "It will be if we come up with the right uniform. It's all boys so I am going to dress in some sort of domestic help type uniform. But of course it has to be the... Lese die ganze Geschichte
There was no doubt that this was going to be my last baseball game in organized ball. I knew that after high school I would not get a chance to play anywhere else, save for the drunken beer league down the line. I was an average player who played for a small school. I played second base. We were los... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Flowers in the Heart
Chapter 1 "Hey Scott, Fauna kind of likes you," Jenna said, snickering. "Hey Jenna, it hard to hear yourself over that echo?" Scott said as he caught the football, and then heaved it back to Ronnie. "Huh?" Jenna asked, puzzled. "Yeah, your head up your ... Lese die ganze Geschichte
The Trip Part 3
I soaked in the tub for close to an hour, thinking about my predicament, it was only the second day of the trip, I figured if I was going to get through the week then I just had to resign myself and do whatever Joe asked of me, sex is just sex, I reasoned, it doesn’t matter who or how many peo... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Click, click, click....
Click, click, click…the sound of high heels contacting a hard surface has always attracted and aroused me. Whether it’s on tile floors in a hallway, the concrete of a parking ramp or the asphalt of a mall lot, I turn in anticipation to drink in some pleasing eye candy. How short will th... Lese die ganze Geschichte
The Pre-Nup Agreement
Several years ago one of Kellys' friends had a brother who was getting married in Reno and a bunch of us girls decided we would all get together for a wild weekend reunion. I unfortunately had several of my regular clients to see on Thursday and Friday afternoon and wouldn't be able to depart for ... Lese die ganze Geschichte
The Weekend
The weekend A story inspired by the very sweet and sexy samantha satine and my beautiful wife Part 1 - The preparation samantha packed her suitcase with her usual attention to detail, makeup, lingerie, wigs, but no dresses. Her head was confused by this, Master D had given her instructions... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Adventure with a Couple
A friend of mine, who thinks that i lead an exciting sex life (okay, i DO, lol) has asked me to relate an incident from my experience where i had a session with a couple. So, R, here goes. i guess i should relate a bit about myself, so that you understand how this affair took place. i am a 41 yea... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Fifties Housewife After the Party
I had not fallen asleep after Darren had, exhausted, after the party and the incredible lovemaking we had shared. I just couldn't come down from the high and emotions of the whole direction we had taken. I was lying spooned against him, his warm cock nestled warmly against my ass. My nightgown seeme... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Always Be Closing Chapter 4
Tina woke me up early the next morning because we had a flight to catch. She had clearly gotten up a while before she woke me up and already had all of our stuff packed and ready to go. "I thought you deserved a little extra sleep since you covered for me last night. By the way, I already go... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Dottie's Back
Four weeks had passed since my first blowjob party. In that time, I had become obsessed with getting implants. The concept of being tit-fucked and wearing deep-cut tops without being concerned about the distinct line between my flesh and the fake boobs had become a constant fantasy of mine. After be... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Dressing for my Master
Master is coming round tonight and I have the flat to myself. He wants me dressed and ready for him. Good! I am aching for his meaty manhood and looking forward to tasting his cum. He has given me instructions as to what I must wear and I know exactly what will turn him on most. I have the requi... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Becoming Amy
I had been dressing up in women’s clothes since I was a kid. Started with my sister’s clothes, I loved her school uniform. I used to prance around in it when I was lucky enough to have the house to myself, which wasn’t often. I loved pretending I was a school girl, and a rather nau... Lese die ganze Geschichte
The Shop
I lunged backwards to get more of him in me. I heard him grunt as half of him slipped passed my tight sphincter muscle. The pain was in the back of my mind, somewhere but this unbelievable feeling of lust had taken over me. I looked over my shoulder (what a sight that must of been, a 18 year old ... Lese die ganze Geschichte
End of the Beginning
Jamie stood there with her mouth hung open for a moment. She was utterly shocked. How could it be true? Chloe and Josh met at basic, how could they be engaged? It had only been a month since Jamie left. Tears stood in her eyes but refused to fall. This was not at all what she had envisioned. “... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Beefy Buns
It's hard to get good help. Probably, that's true in any business, but it's especially difficult to find decent employees in the fast food racket. Believe me; I've tried. I manage the local Beefy Buns franchise--burgers, fries, and shakes is our mainstay, but the menu also features fish and chick... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Tara's Adventures
Part 1 I had met them on line. Marla 1st then her owner Mistress Olivia. We chatted for well over a year and had met for drinks. They knew of my submissive fem side and we had planned meetings on several occasions but things always developed that upset them. Then a period of time developed whe... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Donna is Donna but John is Joan
I’m an average size guy. Five ten, almost thin, and at thirty years of age, very little facial hair. My beautiful wife was four inches shorter than me, thinner and as she had pointed out many times before, my arms were as skinny as hers. She always talked about me dressing up girly with her be... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Traci the Maid
Traci had gotten a job as a maid in a rich man's house. She looked just like any blond 26-year old woman - long legs, slender waist and high size C breasts. She had a heart-shaped face and giggled at all the right times. Only Traci had a secret that nobody at her knew job knew about - she had a 6&qu... Lese die ganze Geschichte
For a while I worked as a transsexual street prost
When I first moved to Sydney in my mid 20’s I had trouble meeting the bills. This was desperate times so after a lot of soul searching I decided that the only thing I could do was to become a prostitute. I knew Sydney that the transsexual prostitutes picked up clients on William Street near... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Fulfilling A Girl's Male Fantasy Part 2
Since our first meeting had gone so well, Jennifer and I started going out together. Other than the fact that in the bedroom I was the "man" only about half the time, it was a fairly normal relationship, apart from possibly being even more open with each other about our desires. One day a ... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Collette's Property
I've been Collette's lover for four years now and this gorgeous, incredibly kinky woman still continues to amaze me. Our sex life would be unimaginable to most people, even those who live lives embracing BDSM and other fetishes, and it's Collette who makes it happen. Of course everything is a trade ... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Endlich wie eine Frau Sex haben
Was brauchst du? 1. viel Zeit :-D 2. Fickmaschine (oder auch 2 wenn Frau lieber passiver Schwänze lutscht) 3. 2 Dildos mit der passenden Größe für deine Arschfotze und deinen Mund 4. Kopfhörer (Wenn euch die Maschinengeräusche abturnen) 5. Sperma Eiswürfel 6. viel Gleitgel Vorbereitung : ... Lese die ganze Geschichte
A Night Out
One night I was out on the town. I headed out on my own as all my mates where shacked up with their girlfriends. It used to agitate me that my mates never came out anymore. It didn't take me long to get used to it. I'm an attractive guy in general, a little on the shy side but still did alright for ... Lese die ganze Geschichte
My story is nothing new, like most girls who used to be boys I knew from an early age that I was different to all my school friends. My dad was a thug of a man, who enjoyed the physical battle of the rugby pitch as much as the post match booze up, but I took after the mother who died giving birth to... Lese die ganze Geschichte
A Turkish Delight Part 2
As I sat in my hotel room I pondered my future and what may lie ahead. My passport had been seized and I was not able to leave Turkey nor could I tell anyone about my plight. It was late afternoon when a courier arrived at my hotel with a large white box. He rang the bell and upon answering I was gr... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Young Sissy Chapter 1
I don't know how long I was under...days, weeks...who knows, maybe even months. Reality blurred with nightmares as I felt my flesh being cut into by cold scalpels and stuck with needles, filling me with horribly persuasive dreams of a beautiful new body. I tried to imagine myself as a man, just to s... Lese die ganze Geschichte
She never saw it coming
When I was 19/20 I used to frequent LGBT bars roughly twice every month. Most nights not much would happen but I found myself going to the trans nights more often. Until I eventually had some experience with trans girls. It was mostly fairly soft fun. Me getting oral and occasionally topping th... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Becoming Marie Chapter 4
During the following week I had gotten hornier and hornier thinking of the wekend visit to the air raid shelter. I popped into town during the week to get some make up and some clothes to wear for the following Sunday. This was going to be a bit awkward, but egged on by my urges i set off shopping. ... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Awakened by Candy
It was a Saturday and I was just strolling down the High Street, going nowhere in particular, when I noticed a commotion down a side alley. A largish male was pushing two girls around; they both looked pretty distressed. I grabbed the bloke as he slammed one of the girls into a door, and he went ars... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Dean and the Tgirl
"Hi, it's Kelly," the sexy transgendered girl cooed when Dean picked up his hotel room phone. "Just get in?" Dean asked. "How was the drive." "It was quick -- I made good time." "Bet your thirsty," Dean said. "Meet me in the lounge down... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Tipping Point -- Chapter 2: Bathroom Abuse
Chapter 2: Bathroom Abuse Nick crawls down the hall. An office of pricy furniture opens into a relaxed hallway. He expects to to see is several bedrooms. But to his surprise each of the doorways open to something different. A nearly empty room with a telescope set and a few chairs, a computer roo... Lese die ganze Geschichte
SORTIE ⚧️ ⚧️
"À plus tard chérie!" Lora ma copine m'a dit en m'embrassant sur la joue au revoir. Elle sortait faire des courses ce samedi matin. "D'accord, amuse toi." J'ai répondu et prévenu. « Ne dépensez pas trop ! C'était une sorte de coup de coude pour elle. Lora était une cadre de haut niveau dans sa... Lese die ganze Geschichte